Wow can't quite believe I have actually managed to keep going for a whole month - finding things that make me chuckle or be grateful or happy is not as hard as I thought it would be - although updating the blog daily is way more difficult which is kinda odd as I really thought it would be the other way round!
Today is Sunday and has been spent sorting through photos (I promised my mum I would scan and sort all our photos and get them printed to go into 2 of those large multi-frames to go in the living room) and making mini kitty bed pads for the cat rescue.
Vale cat rescue is a small rescue based in South Wales who help cats and other animals in need in the local area and further afield. It's managed completely by volunteers who foster, fund raise and care for the cats in VCR's care.
If you know about cats then you will know that kitty parvo unlike dog parvo is pretty much deadly - it was almost wiped out but due to idiots not getting their cats neutered spayed and vaccinated has now come back. Kitty parvo is a nasty disease and 99% of kittens who get it are going to die. If a pregnant mamma cat gets it her kittens are likely to be born deformed or with brain damage.
The rescue has had an awful awful week with this horrible disease - kittens who have been rescued and who seemed healthy have died one by one - each tiny little life gone. Additionally a cat found injured and taken to the vets didnt make it and a mamma cat in late stages of pregnancy was diagnosed with FIP and had to be put to sleep as she was too unwell and in pain.
So I have been making what I like to call throw away sleep pads for the rescue - these are little square pillows covered in material which can be used by a cat that comes in to the rescue in quarantine and then be thrown away once the quarantine period is up. All the materials I have gotten for free from Me2U Freebies a fab community in cardiff for freecycling your unwanted goods.
Because Parvo is so virulent the only way to get rid of it is by deep cleaning and bleaching. This would obviously destroy most kitty beds so my kitty sleep pads can be used until a cat is deemed out of quarantine and then when they can mix with other cats they can use the regular kitty beds.
It's not a lot but it saves the rescue money on beds and gives a kitty somewhere warm to sleep :) and that makes me happy
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