Day 291 Monday
Today I kicked my ass into gear and got round to book all my diabetic checks and blood tests that need to be done. I couldn't have my flu jab last time I was at the dr's due to having a viral infection so thats been booked in too.
Not really something I look forward too - who does enjoy getting bloods done and stabbed with needles but it's something that needed doing and has been done. Due to how busy everything is at the GPs I wont be going in for the bloods until 28/10 and then the check up and jab 12/11 so a bit of a wait but yay for the nhs
So yeah that's my positive :D
Day 292 Tuesday
Today was a work colleagues birthday and a staff meeting - the meeting kinda sucked but we had cake which made up for it. I consider this colleague a friend as well as a colleague and I know she doesnt have a huge amount of friends or family so I got her a little gift nothing much because it's the day before payday so SKINT. Anyways I think she liked it :D
Today's positive - CAKE!
Day 293 Wednesday
PAYDAY! Seriously I can't explain how I managed to be so skint this month - well I can I owed my dad £300 which he lent me to take on the hols so I wouldn't need to use my card and get charged - then I paid for our travel and hotel in London so I have been desperate for payday - literally on the red in the car and about 3p in my purse!
So after paying all my bills I remembered that 1. I have a meal out with work people and 2. I am going to a spa weekend haha so have had to put money by for both those things so looks like another skint month but at least I will have something to show for it :)
Today's positive - PAYDAY!
Day 294 Thursday
So I have been really tired since I got home from the hols - firstly I thought it was jet lag and then I thought it's prob cos I have the ear infection and the viral infection but now its like 4 weeks later and I am still really tired.
I find myself around 2pm in work literally nodding off at my desk. I get home and take a nap usually for 2-3 hours and then I'm super tired still and then I go to bed about 11pm and when I get up at 7am I'm still exhausted.
As I am getting blood tests done anyways I am going to ask them to check my iron levels. I've been anemic a few times in the past due to other medical conditions but I dont remember being this tired with it - maybe it's just a sign I am getting old. I realised with a shock that in 6 years I am going to be 40 thats like 50 % of my life gone! That kinds sucks - that means I have like another maybe 30 years of decent living and 10 as being a decrepit old woman.
Anyways this kind of thinking maybe me feel really low - I dont really feel old. I always thought at some point I would feel like a proper grown up all in control and stuff but I haven't yet. When I was younger I thought old people had it sussed but now I am one of them I realise they dont. Just because I am old doesnt make me mature.
So to cheer myself up I have spent time looking at hotels and places I want to visit in New York and looking at hotels in Orlando for next year. I know I only just got back but I need another one soon.
Today's positive - well I guess it's recognising when I am spiraling down. I dont have many dark days - even though I am naturally a grumpy I am not naturally depressed.
Day 295 Friday
Final day of the work week whoot! Seriously does anyone else find Fridays in work does something funny to the time? Like it seems to crawl backwards and the day lasts for ever - maybe its just the anticipation of the weekend and lay ins!
After the day in work finally finished and boy it took forever! I took my mum and uncle out for dinner to the local carvery. They have a new meal deal offer on where you get a meal and a dessert for like 5.59 (it used ot be just icecream for the dessert but now they have about 6 you can choose from).
I'd had a bit of a dodgy tum all day in work but I often get one if I am stressed or eat certain foods but thought I would be okay.
Everything was going good at the meal - it was really nice food we were having a good chat and a laugh and then BAM suddenly felt like a boot in the tummy and I had to run to the loo - not to be gross but I wasn't sure which end I would need to put on the loo ! what a waste of all the nice food.
After that I still wasn't feeling so good so my uncle drove us home - they stayed in the living room chatting and fell asleep and pretty much stayed in bed all night only getting up for water to drink and to use the loo.
I pretty much slept all night - I obviously needed it.
Today's positive - family time - sure I was mortified by throwing up in the loos and hid until everyone else left haha but the time we had together before I lost my dinner was good :D
Day 296 Saturday
I slept in today until like 11am ahhh bliss
Rest of day was spent tidying and cleaning my room - it was in a disgusting mess and smelled fousty - it needed airing! I changed the bedding too which I love - seriously what is better than crawling into a freshly made bed :)
I also finally got round to setting up my new printer - OMG I spent 3 hours doing this and I cursed HP in heaps the air around me was blue - the software didnt work, it wouldnt recognise the wifi connection, it wouldnt accept my details on the ink order etc - total nightmare but I finally managed to get it all done!
I also got a code for a free photo book with snapfish for using HP proper inks (just had to pay p&p) so I made a book for my uncle of our holidays showing the best snaps for him and paid the £1.99 p&p and it should be here next week - if it turns out good I might make another one for us :D
I finished off the night sharing a pizza with my mum :)
All in all a good saturday
So the positive was defeating the demon that is HP and getting the printer sorted.
Day 297 Sunday
Today was another mostly chilled day.
I drove to see my sister and my great nephew as he's staying for a few days over half term. Was lovely to see little Drake and he was super chatty :) Harmony has a stinking head cold so was snotty and a tad grumpy - she kept blowing snot bubbles urgh!
My sis seemed in a good frame of mind too which is always good.
Drake's other nan had sent him with no clothes so my sis was worried as she had nothing for him to wear. They were due to drop some stuff off but hadnt by time we were there.
My aunty Chris used to buy him a few outfits whenever she was out so he always had clothes but as aunty chris passed in March he hasnt had anything bought and my sis as always was skint. I said I would look out n the freebie sites and charity shops for shoes and clothes in his size for her so she could keep a few outfits for when he stays.
After visiting my sis I came home and had a bit of a sort out of my books and some of my tees. I have way too many of both and I know a lady who raises funds for kitty rescues was looking for donations so I kept the best for her and messaged her and she is coming to collect in the next week or so.
I also ordered the cats a new giant cat tree - they have 3 scratching posts which I have decided to get rid of - I was going to bin them but then I thought that a cat rescue might like them - they are all well used but when they get a new cat in they have to isolate it in case it has anything contagious - they dont want to put a new scratch post in with them as its a waste - if kitty is contagious the post has to be binned - so they can have the old posts and give them to the kitties in quarantine and if they need to be binned its not a big loss. I have contacted the rescue and once our new tree arrives they will come collect the posts.
I also put a post on my local freecycle site asking for a couple of pairs of jeans /joggers some tees and a hoody for Drake and a pair of size 11 shoes/boots. I had loads of almost immediate responses and arranged with the 2 ladies to collect from them on Monday evening after work. They weren't sure exactly what they had but deffo had some clothes in Drakes size.
So all in all a good sunday :D
Today's positive - getting rid of old stuff - I am by nature a hoarder (at one point I had nearly 5000 books - my bedroom was full of them!) so I do find it hard to get rid of things and I have to make a real effort to say this needs to go!
Day 298 Monday
So today I went to collect the items I had offered for Drake from freebies.
All I can say is WOW :)
I got 2 carrier bags full of stuff and when I got home and checked it out it was all fab. All in really good clean condition - some items hadnt even been worn.
There was a pair of black nike trainers - worn but still loads of wear left in them, a pair of stripey wellies with tie tops so he can go splash in puddles and out in the rain and a pair of really smart almost new brown ankle boots. Several pairs of good quality jeans and trousers, some lovely tees, 3 hoodies, 2 thick winter coats, swimming trunks and some PJs and a bunch of other bits
I would guestimate that even if I had picked all this up second hand in a charity shop it would have cost £30ish and if new prob closer to £100.
This is really going to help my sis out a lot and I cant thank the ladies enough who gave it to her. Despite all the shit we hear on the news about how awful we humans are there are plenty out there who are wonderful kind people :)
And that's today's positive - the kindness of other people :)