Today I woke up happy - probably because I got to sleep in until a decent time of 11am ahhh bliss.
I didn't do much - me and mam took Jac for a nice lone walk down the village and had a nosey in some of the charity shops, we came back via the park and let Jac off his lead for a good run which he loved. However, small dog with little legs + muddy park = BATH TIME!
I had to give the hound a bath when we got in - he hates the bath, we had woofs, we had growls, we had whimpers and eventually one clean but incredibly soaked dog. Trying to dry him off is impossible. The bathroom got wet, I got wet, the towel got wet and the dog stayed soaked! He also tried to bite me a couple of times when I as brushing him too - but because of his fur he needs to be brushed out - I eventually finished brushing him and he looked super cute and fluffy and innocent afterwards!
Then I took a nap which lasted like 3 hours - I dunno what is wrong with me at the moment I am taking daily naps! I dont sleep normally although I did have an excuse for it today - I mean although I slept til like 11am originally I was up til gone midnight plus I then had to get up at 4am to drop my dad off to get his coach so I didnt get back to bed until like 5.30am!!!
So today's positive wasn't really anything in specific it was just having a good chilled out day :)
Day 93 - Saturday
I won an Easter Hamper today!!!! So I originally planned to get up and take part in the Easter egg hunt to win £1000 but after the first clue was released I didn't get it and then when they released the second clue it was soooo easy I figured by the time I got there it would have been won so I decided not to bother.
However I logged into facebook and I had a message from a local garden centre saying I had won their Easter Hamper comp which more than made up for it and they wanted to know when I would go collect so I agreed to head down there asap.
So a HUGE thank you to Pughs Garden Centre & Ty Nant Farm Shop for this amazing hamper :)

I'm not going to eat the entire thing myself (I was tempted!!!)
The choccy lollies are going to Drake & Harmony, the white bunny is going to my big sis to cheer her up and the little eggs are going to my nephew Josh. That leaves the mahoosive choccy egg (and it literally is massive its like the size of my head!) for me and mum to share and the little Praline egg. The praline egg's really interesting as it's inside an actual egg shell!
I also headed into town today as I wanted some double sided clear tape so I can jazz up my chest of drawers - I bought the ribbon and butterflies a while ago but I didn't have the right tape for what I wanted to do so got it today.
Whilst there I popped into Primani and got some new daps for the summer - at £3 a pair it doesnt matter that I'll end up throwing them away at the end of summer (they will be stinking I got them last year and the year before too :) )
I actually really like them :D
We then went for a Kismet and again came home and again took a nap :)
So today's positive is spending time with my mum. She's been pretty down since the passing of my aunty - that isn't surprising though - losing her baby sister so was nice to spend some alone time with her and again just spend the day relaxing and wandering and chatting :)
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