Isn't it crazy how having a 4 day week time still drags on in work?
So nothing much happened today except I got the best baguette ever - seriously - I would give up chocolate for this baguette it was that good! It was chinese chicken in black bean sauce with peppers, mushrooms and onions and it was so good - I think it's going to become my new favourite lunch spot - move over noodle bar the baguette's are a -calling!
aside from that my Guinness Hamper arrived at like 8.30am this morning - seriously super speedy delivery I only won it yesterday!!!!
and my free samples from the YourHealth Food Store also came in the post again I only won them yesterday
Both were pretty amazing :)
Today's positive has to be finding the best sandwich ever :) sorry its a bit frivolous but sometimes you need frivolity :)

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