From Match on Twitter - my second book win from these guys whoot - the first and second book in a series with matching book marks - cant wait to get started - updated half way through first book - brilliantly written :)
A months supply of probiotic supplements - I won these off Precious Little Worlds Blog - The company who provided the prize contacted me directly to order them via amazon using a code (which meant it was a free product and free delivery) and the lady who runs the blog announced it on twitter too. I have been using these for a week - not noticed anything different yet but here's hoping :D
A cute purple elephant ornament - this was from a facebook group called prizes galore and lots more - free group with paid for and free entry comps :D

Aquaint - I won this on their twitter page - this is an AMAZING product - seriously it is incredible. It's an antibacterial spray which is 100% natural and 100% safe - if it gets in the mouth its not poisonous - you can spray it on food, use it on faces/hands, we've even used it on our dogs hernia/snip op site around the stitches. I was expecting a little bottle but this one is huge - the pics might not show it but it's literally like the size of a regular disinfectant spray. Check out their facebook page and their twitter page too.

This is a freebie a week's supply of Vichi Liftactive cream. There are 7 sachets one for each day - I haven't tried these yet but am looking forward to it :)

This I won via friend (she won and as she tagged me I won by default :D thanks Jo) on Carolyn's Cuts Facebook Page. I could choose from a selection of her designs and she asked me what backing colour I wanted - I explained that I hadn't decided which room to put it in and that one room was pink and one was brown - so she sent me a selection of three different colours. I love this - I wouldn't have the patience to create something as intricate as this.
Free CHEESE woohoo :) I won this on their free cheese friday's on Twitter :) Okay so it's a voucher but it's for a free pack of cheese and I'm guessing that they couldn't send me a whole pack through the post hehe. They run this every friday on their Facebook and their twitter pages
2 cross stitch sets worth £25 (big) and £16 (miniature) won from cross stitch magazine online entry :) I am donating the miniature one to the kitty rescue and keeping the big one for me to try :D
We applied for a freebie free dream bone from webbox for Jac & he loved it :D

In fact he loved it so much here is a video of him with it :) (when my net is working properly I'll upload one directly to the page but for now a link will have to do)
Another freebie - dosing devices for the laundry :) I really can't remember where I got this one from - probably a link via coupon mama or freebies e-mail I get daily. They are pretty useful though - the blue jug is perfect for use with my steamer, the clear one is great for the washing powder and the blue and green small ones are fab for pre treating stains before the wash.

My bottle of Ace detergent arrived :) I won this beginning of Feb from their FB page giveaway

A miele hoover from :) This isn't strictly a win or a freebie. I applied to be a reviewer with - I sent them a short video explaining I would like to be a reviewer and they agreed to let me be one :D So I got to pick out of the hoovers available which one I wanted. They arranged for delivery on a convenient day and once received I had to do a video review and a written review and then voila the hoover is mine to keep :)
This hoover is bloody amazing and cost like £253!
My tee from the Honey Monster's FB page arrived - sadly they only had a small or medium which was too small for me so I have given it to my mum - not gonna lie am gutted! It also came with a signed photo of the Honey Monster himself - too cute.
From twitter - this cute little burberry lipstick sample which I am pretty pleased with its going in my nieces christmas hamper!
Another free sample of the felix crunchies cat food :) my cat's usually have felix pouches and this was literally a pouch of food with the crunchy crumble biscuits to go on the top. Lady devoured it in about 10 minutes!
Free cinema tickets - from show film first - to see The Duff at Showcase cinemas - I got 3 tickets - you can get up to 4 when they are available but I only needed 3 for me my mum and my niece :D
A free magazine I won on Twitter from Toybox magazine and my niece enjoying playing with the things that came with it

Ooh - so the awesome people at @Hive sent me this as a twitter prize a gorgeous Whittard Hot choccy kit that includes chocolate, marshmallows and a stonkingly purdy mug :D

The Voices is a fab UK film - hilariously funny :D and I won a Tee and a magnet from twitter from Arrow Films - I love the tee sooo much being a kitty fan it makes me giggle (Mister Whiskers is like the devil on the lead guys shoulder in the film) sadly the magnet was a little damaged but who cares it still looks good :D

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