Today has been an AWESOME day!
Like literally AH MAZE ING!
So I mentioned a little while ago that I had won tickets with Delia online to a venue of my choice to see The Sound of Music. I chose the Bristol Hippodrome as the Cardiff dates for the show had passed and this was the next closest. Well today was the day of the show :)
I had the day off work and I booked us tickets via National Express to Bristol - they cost like £21 for the 2 of us (me and my mam) return which worked out a lot cheaper than me driving there, paying for parking and fuel and paying for the bridge crossing to come home.
We dropped Jac the hound off at my aunty's at 9.15 and then I drove to work to park my car (naughty naughty) and we walked into the bus station which is like a 10-15 min walk from work.
It's been a gorgeous day lovely and sunny and we were both in great moods. We got to the station at around 10.10 for the 10.30 coach - I double checked where we had to get it and within 5 mins it was pulling into the stall. The Bus goes from Swansea to Heathrow via a bunch of stops so it was already pretty full by time it hit Cardiff but we were first on and got seats together
We had some sweets and some pepsi and we were set for the journey :)
The trip was super relaxed despite the mega busy bus and it took us just around 70 mins to get to bristol - the coach was actually really nice too - comfy seats, working air con and a clean loo - what more can you ask for?
When we got to Bristol I was pretty impressed they have really good signage so we got out of the coach station and both wanted something to eat - we headed down the street and spotted a burger king but just before BK there was a HUGE Primark - Primani is one of our fave shops and as we had plenty of time we popped in for a quick look - 45 mins later and 2 shopping bags and we were done - we had a little wander but by this point I was about ready to eat the pigeons so we stopped in Burger King to get some food - OMG how expensive is BK? I got 2 chicken burgers, 2 fries, 2 drinks and it came to like £13 I nearly passed out - I could have gone and had a full bloody carvery for less than that! sheesh
Anyways the food was fine and I love the range of sugar free/lo-cal drinks they have there are loads to choose from - we were boring and I had a fizzy fanta orange zero and mam had a diet coke - like I said boring!
After the BK we decided to walk to the Hippodrome to get our tickets from the box office and then find a cafe or summat to sit in the sun while we waited for show time. Again really cant fault Bristol - plenty of signage and finding the Hippodrome was super easy

We got there around 1.15 so I went to the box office and grabbed our tickets and we had a wander around - there were lots of cafes and things but we decided to just go to Starbucks as mam fancied a coffee so we just sat and chilled and watched the world go by

There was a guy doing some really cute wallace and gromit 'graffiti next to us which was cool but the paints were a bit whiffy

Finally it was time for the show :)
Our seats were just off centre to the right and like 8 rows back and they were pretty much perfect we had a great view :)
The show was amazing, the singers were great, the kids were great, it was just fantastic - I enjoyed every minute - there are no pics from the show for 2 reasons - 1 your not allowed to take them and 2 even if you were I was so mesmerised that I didnt want to miss anything :) seriously if you get the chance go and see it - I love the theatre anyways and I love the Sound of Music too it used to be my fave film as a kid and both combined is great!
After the show we popped to Poundland to pick up some pepsi max for the journy back and I wanted a pair of cheapy ear phones so I could listen to some music too.
We had like an hour to kill so we stopped at the pub near the station and grabbed a drink before wandering over.
The journey back was much less crowded so we had enough room to spread out - again the coach was really nice and clean and comfy and we got back to Cardiff pretty quick just under an hour.
Then it was a brisk 15 min walk (the sun had gone in and it was chilly) to collect the car - then to my aunty's to collect Jac - we stopped for a bit for a chat and came home.
I'm pretty much shattered now but it was such a great day - we are thinking about doing it again but booking a night or 2 in a hotel and spending time exploring Bristol properly - it seemed a really nice place with lots to see and do :)
Today's positive - well the whole day has been fantastic - we both had a great time, we didnt argue (thats a first!), the coaches were great, the shopping was great, everything was just fantastic :D
Oh and here's the 3 items I got in Primani at a grand total of £8 (they were all reduced hehe)
Oh and I almost forgot to mention - I got an e-mail today and I get to keep the LG G4 I have been reviewing :) Today has been a truly awesome day!
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