Day 361 - Sunday
So I need to stop moaning about my dad - he went out and bought me a laptop - its a late Christmas pressie - I'm in shock its pretty cool although I am not a huge fan of windows 10 and I forgot all ym passwords and stuff.
Thanks dad - positive is the generous daddy :)
Day 362 - Monday
Went to bingo with a my mum and an old friend :) had a good time chatting and playing although we didnt win - had to pay for mum as she was skint so I took £20 with me after paying for bingo and food for us both I had £3 left so had a quick go on the fruit machine and dropped the jackpot of £25 :) happy times. Called in shaws after dropping my friend home and got new sheets to go with my new bedding, pants for my mum, a bed for the dog and pillow cases and came home with £8 left in cash - deffo a great day :D
Positive - cheap day out, good friends and a bit of shopping what more does a girl need?
Day 363 - Tuesday
Hit the sales today - not for me but for my sis got her a lot of pressies sorted for next year - managed to get lots of really cool stuff including toys for the kids and some nice bits for my nephew and sister and nieces from her too. Hopefully it means she wont be stressing too much about birthdays, easter and xmas as its mostly taken care of - the kids are young enough that they dont want the latest toys and gadgets and I got some really cool stuff for them all including dress up outfits, lego, smellies and clothes :D
Positive - getting my sis sorted well in advance - even got her wrapping paper and stuff
Day 364 - Wednesday
Took the christmas decs down today - I know its early but our ornaments were taking a beating from the cats! Cleaned through , did the litter trays and a shed load of washing - been busy but good stuff I needed to do. Also popped to Tesco to see if they had anything good in their sale in the evening.Picked up a few bits and pieces.
Today's positive doing rubbish jobs that needed doing which sucks but happy to have gotten them all done
Day 365 - Thursday
So this is the last day of being positive 365 :)
I went out shopping today down Cardiff Bay - got the last of the bits for my sister and some bits for me to put away for the kids for next year. Also got my kitties one of those kitty grooming arches - they had them for £5.99 in the pets world at poundstretcher its a cheaper version of the expensive £19.99 one but they love it - not sure how long it will last but they are deffo some happy kitties which is great :)
The weather is horrendous we are not getting it as bad as some people no flooding or anything just grim wet weather, cold and high winds. My thoughts remain with friends and family in york who are in a very difficult situation with no electricity and flooding and various other warnings in place.
So today's positive is that I made it - I went a whole year being positive.
Tomorrow is the start of 2016 - I hope the new year brings joy, happiness and health to all my friends and family :)
and now I am off for a few cocktails :D
Having done the 5 things 5 days happy and 100 days happy on facebook I have decided I am going to try and extend that - to try and find things that are positive around me for a whole year.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
+ 365 Days 347 - 360
So another 2 weeks have flown by without me doing anything on the blog!
Excuses are all well and good and I do kinda have some good ones - my uncle has been poorly, I had to collect my father from West Wales and now he is firmly ensconced in m living room and asks me every 5 mins what I am doing - apparently writing my blog is not good enough and lets play cards, talk about world politics or listen to another long winded story about people I dont know from his holidays :/ oh and that small thing of Christmas has happened too!
So this is a quick run down of what I have done :)
Work - we had 12 days of christmas in work for charity with different events each day for just over 2 weeks (the weekend didnt get included), we also had our christmas staff meeting with bring a plate lunch and games and stuff all organised by me phew, then we had christmas lunch in the canteen, breakfast somewhere else, and all manner of other things - in between doing all this and trying to actually get work done before being off for the hols we also had a couple of computer failures - yes our computers were down for half a day and it was chaotic phhht. But work is now finished until 4th of January and I am currently spending my days attempting to sleep til noon (my father isnt playing along with this) and in my pjs eating chocolate!
Social stuff - I've collected my dad and he is here until 3rd of Jan so no peace for me now - he lives alone so he is loud loud loud but not long til he goes on his hols for 2 months! My uncle has been round several times for dinner, I have visited my sisters and spent time with my nieces and nephews. I have done pressie and card runs and visited friends - seriously I need a break from this stuff and some me time lol
Christmas - Christmas day went well - didnt get up until 10am had a ridiculous amount of pressies from the parents every year they seem to try and out do each other - I genuinely got so much that I have had to sort through my clothes and belongings and give loads away to make room for the new stuff! We visited my aunt and uncle (my dads fam) and cousins and spent time making small talk before home to help prep dinner for my uncle and the fam who came round. We dont do christmas dinner we do a hot and cold buffet and let everyone get on with it. We finished off with some board games and chat - my uncle had a couple of whiskies with my dad so I offered to drive him home so he could have a few more and they both seemed to enjoy themselves. Boxing day we did our usual tradition and went out for christmas dinner at a local pub - 3 courses for 11.99 was great - dad picked up the bill for the drinks too and as I was driving him and the uncle had a few bevvies. I spent a few hours sorting through more of my stuff and putting a bunch of it on freecycle. A lady I know contacted me and asked if I had any socks left over to donate to the homeless (I had offered over 55 pairs on freecycle!) so agreed to put some to the side for her along with scarves and gloves - her church along with some other sin the area are open up until march to give the homeless somewhere warm and dry to sleep and they collect things like clothes and smellies for them.
Today (Sunday) I braved driving to our local What shop - I wanted to get some wrapping paper and bits in the sales to put by for next year - got some 10m rolls of quality stuff in red and gold for 45p each and also picked some up for my sister along with cards too for 30p as I know she wouldnt even dream of it and then next year would be stuck. Also got some lovely new butterfly bedding for my bed reduced from £12.99 to £5.99 which I am happy about - bloody cat must have rolled in oil befor e leaping on me bed on Christmas day and the old bedding (less than a year old I might add!) is completely ruined.
So my positives? Fun times in work, Fun times with family and friends, lots of amazing food and drink and tonnes of awesome pressies :D
I also tried entering lots of competitions in the run up to Christmas but havent done any since Christmas eve there's just been too much on and its a bit rude when you have guests to be sat playing on your laptop! I'm going to try and do a couple tonight but I seem to have lost my comping mojo - I normally enjoy comping comping up with silly rhymes and trying to make interesting comments on posts etc to get noticed and of course the fun photos but I found all the advent comps to be really stressful my OCD hated that I wasnt entering every single one but it was impossible! Now it's calmed down I can go back to my usual hour or 3 a night when I am chilling watching tv and enjoy it again!
Also I just realised in 5 days I will have made it to my target of 365 days positive (more or less) so I need to think what I am going to do with the blog. I have struggled to write a post every day due to time contraints rather than not having anything to say lol
My plan for the new year is to try and get fit and lose weight so maybe I will organise the blog around that - will really have to have a think about it :)
Anyways I hope anyone who has taken the time to read this has had a wonderful christmas :)
Excuses are all well and good and I do kinda have some good ones - my uncle has been poorly, I had to collect my father from West Wales and now he is firmly ensconced in m living room and asks me every 5 mins what I am doing - apparently writing my blog is not good enough and lets play cards, talk about world politics or listen to another long winded story about people I dont know from his holidays :/ oh and that small thing of Christmas has happened too!
So this is a quick run down of what I have done :)
Work - we had 12 days of christmas in work for charity with different events each day for just over 2 weeks (the weekend didnt get included), we also had our christmas staff meeting with bring a plate lunch and games and stuff all organised by me phew, then we had christmas lunch in the canteen, breakfast somewhere else, and all manner of other things - in between doing all this and trying to actually get work done before being off for the hols we also had a couple of computer failures - yes our computers were down for half a day and it was chaotic phhht. But work is now finished until 4th of January and I am currently spending my days attempting to sleep til noon (my father isnt playing along with this) and in my pjs eating chocolate!
Social stuff - I've collected my dad and he is here until 3rd of Jan so no peace for me now - he lives alone so he is loud loud loud but not long til he goes on his hols for 2 months! My uncle has been round several times for dinner, I have visited my sisters and spent time with my nieces and nephews. I have done pressie and card runs and visited friends - seriously I need a break from this stuff and some me time lol
Christmas - Christmas day went well - didnt get up until 10am had a ridiculous amount of pressies from the parents every year they seem to try and out do each other - I genuinely got so much that I have had to sort through my clothes and belongings and give loads away to make room for the new stuff! We visited my aunt and uncle (my dads fam) and cousins and spent time making small talk before home to help prep dinner for my uncle and the fam who came round. We dont do christmas dinner we do a hot and cold buffet and let everyone get on with it. We finished off with some board games and chat - my uncle had a couple of whiskies with my dad so I offered to drive him home so he could have a few more and they both seemed to enjoy themselves. Boxing day we did our usual tradition and went out for christmas dinner at a local pub - 3 courses for 11.99 was great - dad picked up the bill for the drinks too and as I was driving him and the uncle had a few bevvies. I spent a few hours sorting through more of my stuff and putting a bunch of it on freecycle. A lady I know contacted me and asked if I had any socks left over to donate to the homeless (I had offered over 55 pairs on freecycle!) so agreed to put some to the side for her along with scarves and gloves - her church along with some other sin the area are open up until march to give the homeless somewhere warm and dry to sleep and they collect things like clothes and smellies for them.
Today (Sunday) I braved driving to our local What shop - I wanted to get some wrapping paper and bits in the sales to put by for next year - got some 10m rolls of quality stuff in red and gold for 45p each and also picked some up for my sister along with cards too for 30p as I know she wouldnt even dream of it and then next year would be stuck. Also got some lovely new butterfly bedding for my bed reduced from £12.99 to £5.99 which I am happy about - bloody cat must have rolled in oil befor e leaping on me bed on Christmas day and the old bedding (less than a year old I might add!) is completely ruined.
So my positives? Fun times in work, Fun times with family and friends, lots of amazing food and drink and tonnes of awesome pressies :D
I also tried entering lots of competitions in the run up to Christmas but havent done any since Christmas eve there's just been too much on and its a bit rude when you have guests to be sat playing on your laptop! I'm going to try and do a couple tonight but I seem to have lost my comping mojo - I normally enjoy comping comping up with silly rhymes and trying to make interesting comments on posts etc to get noticed and of course the fun photos but I found all the advent comps to be really stressful my OCD hated that I wasnt entering every single one but it was impossible! Now it's calmed down I can go back to my usual hour or 3 a night when I am chilling watching tv and enjoy it again!
Also I just realised in 5 days I will have made it to my target of 365 days positive (more or less) so I need to think what I am going to do with the blog. I have struggled to write a post every day due to time contraints rather than not having anything to say lol
My plan for the new year is to try and get fit and lose weight so maybe I will organise the blog around that - will really have to have a think about it :)
Anyways I hope anyone who has taken the time to read this has had a wonderful christmas :)
Friday, December 18, 2015
December wins and freebies :)
Well as it's already the 19th I am a tad late doing this post! real life has certainly kicked in this month!
Anyways as always here is a list of the items I have had for free, won or been sent to review which have arrived in the month of December - some of them will have been won other months but only just arrived!
1. WIN - A whisky wedge glass from prezzybox on twitter - I didnt take a pic as I am giving it to my dad for xmas and have wrapped it oops
2. WIN - a OS calendar from their twitter - again no pic as giving it as a pressie to my dad and have wrapped it
3. WIN - furchester hotel DVD
4. WIN - Nutcracker DVD from SAGA (not sure if twitter or FB as they announce winner across all social media)
5. WIN - personalised treat sack for Lady from Krafty Chix on FB

6. WIN - Professor Brawnstorm DVD
7. WIN - Barney Thomson DVD from twitter
8. WIN - Cute sparkly eye toy I think its a wolf :) - from KEEL toys FB page
9. FREEBIE - Fabulift for eyes sample
10. WIN - text comp from ASDA / Aquafresh
11. WIN - Part of my carpet right house beautiful prize is a year's subscription to the magazine - this is the first one
12. WIN - Blog win - 2 x board games - Og on the Bog and Logo Lite
13. FREEBIE - cute little freebie from months ago - they were apparently overwhelmed with the response but rather than just not send anything they waited for new stock to come in and sent a little goodybag to everyone - contains 2 pens a lanyard and a guitar pick from diasyrock
14. WIN - from the Ferrero Rocher game on fb - I honestly thought I had won a single sweet - but then this bad boy turned up :D it also has a pack of 2 ferrero rocher inside
15. WIN - Advent win from Essence a lovely set of makeup in my colours - 6 x nail varnish, 2 x lip gloss, 2 x eye shadow palettes, 2 x blush products, eyebrow pen and nail file
16. WIN from Amphibia on FB - it's a ring protector for when you go swimming to stop your rings getting discoloured/damaged
17. WIN - from the Zoflora let it spin game on FB sadly not a top prize this time with them but 2 vouchers for a free bottle of Zoflora which we are happy with
18. FREEBIE - no idea where from but 2 x little tubes of skin sleep
19. WIN - well they were giving away like 500 or so of these on FB - good for a free pizza or calzone up to value of £3.99
20. FREEBIE - seriously if you have cats you should sign up to royal canin I get these vouchers a few times a year - you sign up on their webbie and choose a local stockist and they send you a voucher for a bag of food - as you can see from price tag its worth over £4 and you can try different foods from their range - whatever they have in stock really.

21. WIN - from Hamley's Cardiff FB page - I won their Monday quiz and this little fella is my prize - had to collect instore in person but sent my mum in so didnt even have to face the crazed xmas shoppers!
22. WIN - In the Night Garden Calendar from their ADVENT - sadly it arrived damaged as the postie allowed it to get soaked but as it's going up in work I am not too bothered
23. WIN - Randomly arrived in the post - set of stamps to use with a stamp block - my aunty is well into making her own cards and stuff so I am gifting this to her to say thanks for looking after the dog for me every time I go away!
24. WIN - From Thorntons on twitter - again I think they are giving out like 1000 boxes of these - mine are going towards christmas :D
25. FREEBIE - nose strips to cleanse your pores
26. WIN - from alive vitamins on twitter :)
27. WIN- from Ancol pet on facebook's advent - a santa toy for Jac - despite the photo he loves this toy
28. WIN - from Krispy Kreme FB game - I didnt actually win this a friend did but she gave me the code (I tried and opened hundreds of boxes each day and didnt win a darn thing!)
29. WIN/FREEBIE - not sure but a bunch of us got sent these innocent smoothie socks :D
30. WIN - Star Wars Mag from Disney on FB
31. WIN - HOOCH Tee from their FB page
32. WIN - Whisbear from Mybaba blog/page
33. FREEBIE - another sopost freebie :) Candy Crush perfume
34. FREEBIE - another sopost freebie :) full size olay - which is great as the one I haad earlier in the year is running low and its great stuff :D
35. WIN - from superbakes blog :) Cocktail book
36. WIN - cant remember where from which is terrible! an MTV amplifyer case for an iphone - I was slightly gutted with this as it said it woul be a case for a phone of your choice but when I won they gave me a choice of an iphone 5/5c or 6 - which I have none of! my niece does have a 6 tho so i went to her
37. WIN - from BSOS webbie - a reflective vest for Harmony - gotit a size bigger as will be perfect for next year when she starts nursery in the winter :)
Anyways as always here is a list of the items I have had for free, won or been sent to review which have arrived in the month of December - some of them will have been won other months but only just arrived!
1. WIN - A whisky wedge glass from prezzybox on twitter - I didnt take a pic as I am giving it to my dad for xmas and have wrapped it oops
2. WIN - a OS calendar from their twitter - again no pic as giving it as a pressie to my dad and have wrapped it
3. WIN - furchester hotel DVD
4. WIN - Nutcracker DVD from SAGA (not sure if twitter or FB as they announce winner across all social media)
5. WIN - personalised treat sack for Lady from Krafty Chix on FB

6. WIN - Professor Brawnstorm DVD
7. WIN - Barney Thomson DVD from twitter
8. WIN - Cute sparkly eye toy I think its a wolf :) - from KEEL toys FB page
9. FREEBIE - Fabulift for eyes sample
10. WIN - text comp from ASDA / Aquafresh
11. WIN - Part of my carpet right house beautiful prize is a year's subscription to the magazine - this is the first one
12. WIN - Blog win - 2 x board games - Og on the Bog and Logo Lite
13. FREEBIE - cute little freebie from months ago - they were apparently overwhelmed with the response but rather than just not send anything they waited for new stock to come in and sent a little goodybag to everyone - contains 2 pens a lanyard and a guitar pick from diasyrock
14. WIN - from the Ferrero Rocher game on fb - I honestly thought I had won a single sweet - but then this bad boy turned up :D it also has a pack of 2 ferrero rocher inside
15. WIN - Advent win from Essence a lovely set of makeup in my colours - 6 x nail varnish, 2 x lip gloss, 2 x eye shadow palettes, 2 x blush products, eyebrow pen and nail file
16. WIN from Amphibia on FB - it's a ring protector for when you go swimming to stop your rings getting discoloured/damaged
17. WIN - from the Zoflora let it spin game on FB sadly not a top prize this time with them but 2 vouchers for a free bottle of Zoflora which we are happy with
18. FREEBIE - no idea where from but 2 x little tubes of skin sleep
19. WIN - well they were giving away like 500 or so of these on FB - good for a free pizza or calzone up to value of £3.99
20. FREEBIE - seriously if you have cats you should sign up to royal canin I get these vouchers a few times a year - you sign up on their webbie and choose a local stockist and they send you a voucher for a bag of food - as you can see from price tag its worth over £4 and you can try different foods from their range - whatever they have in stock really.

21. WIN - from Hamley's Cardiff FB page - I won their Monday quiz and this little fella is my prize - had to collect instore in person but sent my mum in so didnt even have to face the crazed xmas shoppers!
22. WIN - In the Night Garden Calendar from their ADVENT - sadly it arrived damaged as the postie allowed it to get soaked but as it's going up in work I am not too bothered
23. WIN - Randomly arrived in the post - set of stamps to use with a stamp block - my aunty is well into making her own cards and stuff so I am gifting this to her to say thanks for looking after the dog for me every time I go away!
24. WIN - From Thorntons on twitter - again I think they are giving out like 1000 boxes of these - mine are going towards christmas :D
25. FREEBIE - nose strips to cleanse your pores
26. WIN - from alive vitamins on twitter :)
27. WIN- from Ancol pet on facebook's advent - a santa toy for Jac - despite the photo he loves this toy
28. WIN - from Krispy Kreme FB game - I didnt actually win this a friend did but she gave me the code (I tried and opened hundreds of boxes each day and didnt win a darn thing!)
29. WIN/FREEBIE - not sure but a bunch of us got sent these innocent smoothie socks :D
30. WIN - Star Wars Mag from Disney on FB
31. WIN - HOOCH Tee from their FB page
32. WIN - Whisbear from Mybaba blog/page
33. FREEBIE - another sopost freebie :) Candy Crush perfume
34. FREEBIE - another sopost freebie :) full size olay - which is great as the one I haad earlier in the year is running low and its great stuff :D
35. WIN - from superbakes blog :) Cocktail book
36. WIN - cant remember where from which is terrible! an MTV amplifyer case for an iphone - I was slightly gutted with this as it said it woul be a case for a phone of your choice but when I won they gave me a choice of an iphone 5/5c or 6 - which I have none of! my niece does have a 6 tho so i went to her
37. WIN - from BSOS webbie - a reflective vest for Harmony - gotit a size bigger as will be perfect for next year when she starts nursery in the winter :)
Sunday, December 13, 2015
+ 365 days 340 - 346
Day 340 - Monday
So after everything that happened last week my uncle is still unwell - he was taken back to hospital and after examining him they realised the reason he is struggling to breath is due to there being water on his lungs. They have given him medication to remove it so hopefully on the correct meds and with some time he will start to feel better soon
Today's positive is getting a diagnosis that we can work with for him
Day 341 - Tuesday
After work today I sorted through my Christmas pressies - I didn't get so far as wrapping them but I have checked and I have gifts for everyone yay! no more christmas shopping!!!! Most of the pressies I have were bought in the sales or have been won other the last year. I'm not tight or stingy with money but we are a big family and I could never afford to buy everyone as much as I have gotten them if I didnt win stuff or buy things in the sales.
I'm really happy I dont have to do any more pressie shopping - Cardiff city centre is crazy at the moment!
Day 342 - Wednesday
After work tonight I went to bingo - I didnt win sadly but it was nice to get out for a few hours and not worry about family stuff. With my uncle being so sick and my sister being evicted things can be crazy and I spend a lot of time running around after them so it was cool to just chill and not really think about anything. I go to a bingo called club 3000 and it's pretty cheap. I normally spend under £10 when I go and that includes books and dinner. They do some really nice meals all under £5 and I take my own drinks - I can never trust they will have pepsi max available and I cant stand diet coke :)
So today's positive was taking some time out for me - would be nice to say it was winning a few grand but hey ho
Day 343 - Thursday
Tonight my dad came down to stay for a few days. I get on really well with him ordinarily but he is super loud I think it's because he lives on his own most of the time. However one of the nice things about him coming down is he always buys me dinner hehe
Anyways hes only staying til tomorrow night because his friend is collecting him and they are going to meet with some other friends - he will then get dropped back here on Sunday and go home Monday and peace will reign for about a week until he comes down for Christmas.
He is staying with us from around the 20th Dec - 4th January when he flies out to Benidorm for 2 months which he has done every year since he has retired!
so today's positive was a free dinner ha!
Day 344 - Friday
Today in work I started to buy the prizes for the games we will have at out staff meeting - I get everyone to give £1 and then I buy a bunch of prizes which I wrap up - at our staff meeting we play silly games like pin the nose on rudolph and pass the parcel and the winners get prizes its just a way of building team spirit and all that jazz and this is my 3rd year of doing it and everyone seems to really enjoy it :)
Today's positive is doing something positive for someone else in this case for the rest of the staff I work with :)
Day 345 - Saturday
Today I cleaned my room - it had gotten to the point where it was disgusting - I mean seriously there was a clump of hair that the cat had taken out of the bin gathering dust in the corner it was that sick. It took me 3 hours to clean it completely and scrub the floor and stuff and I was so happy when it was done but also super tired too. I didn't end up changing my bedding though so that's a job for tomorrow!
Today's positive - clean room :)
Day 346 - Sunday
Today I sorted through my shoes - it's quite traumatic for me having to g et rid of them but when I can no longer close the cupboard door it's time to get rid. I ended up offering 12 pairs of different shoes on freecycle so I hope someone else will enjoy them and I now have space for my Christmas gifts when I get them to be stored in the cupboard. I really need to sort my makeup and smellies drawer next. Anything opened but still useable will go to freecycle and anything unopened I will donate to the shoe boxes for Christmas for women in homeless shelters
Today's positive is I feel really good about getting rid of my shoes....well I don't because I love them but I know its the right thing to do!
So after everything that happened last week my uncle is still unwell - he was taken back to hospital and after examining him they realised the reason he is struggling to breath is due to there being water on his lungs. They have given him medication to remove it so hopefully on the correct meds and with some time he will start to feel better soon
Today's positive is getting a diagnosis that we can work with for him
Day 341 - Tuesday
After work today I sorted through my Christmas pressies - I didn't get so far as wrapping them but I have checked and I have gifts for everyone yay! no more christmas shopping!!!! Most of the pressies I have were bought in the sales or have been won other the last year. I'm not tight or stingy with money but we are a big family and I could never afford to buy everyone as much as I have gotten them if I didnt win stuff or buy things in the sales.
I'm really happy I dont have to do any more pressie shopping - Cardiff city centre is crazy at the moment!
Day 342 - Wednesday
After work tonight I went to bingo - I didnt win sadly but it was nice to get out for a few hours and not worry about family stuff. With my uncle being so sick and my sister being evicted things can be crazy and I spend a lot of time running around after them so it was cool to just chill and not really think about anything. I go to a bingo called club 3000 and it's pretty cheap. I normally spend under £10 when I go and that includes books and dinner. They do some really nice meals all under £5 and I take my own drinks - I can never trust they will have pepsi max available and I cant stand diet coke :)
So today's positive was taking some time out for me - would be nice to say it was winning a few grand but hey ho
Day 343 - Thursday
Tonight my dad came down to stay for a few days. I get on really well with him ordinarily but he is super loud I think it's because he lives on his own most of the time. However one of the nice things about him coming down is he always buys me dinner hehe
Anyways hes only staying til tomorrow night because his friend is collecting him and they are going to meet with some other friends - he will then get dropped back here on Sunday and go home Monday and peace will reign for about a week until he comes down for Christmas.
He is staying with us from around the 20th Dec - 4th January when he flies out to Benidorm for 2 months which he has done every year since he has retired!
so today's positive was a free dinner ha!
Day 344 - Friday
Today in work I started to buy the prizes for the games we will have at out staff meeting - I get everyone to give £1 and then I buy a bunch of prizes which I wrap up - at our staff meeting we play silly games like pin the nose on rudolph and pass the parcel and the winners get prizes its just a way of building team spirit and all that jazz and this is my 3rd year of doing it and everyone seems to really enjoy it :)
Today's positive is doing something positive for someone else in this case for the rest of the staff I work with :)
Day 345 - Saturday
Today I cleaned my room - it had gotten to the point where it was disgusting - I mean seriously there was a clump of hair that the cat had taken out of the bin gathering dust in the corner it was that sick. It took me 3 hours to clean it completely and scrub the floor and stuff and I was so happy when it was done but also super tired too. I didn't end up changing my bedding though so that's a job for tomorrow!
Today's positive - clean room :)
Day 346 - Sunday
Today I sorted through my shoes - it's quite traumatic for me having to g et rid of them but when I can no longer close the cupboard door it's time to get rid. I ended up offering 12 pairs of different shoes on freecycle so I hope someone else will enjoy them and I now have space for my Christmas gifts when I get them to be stored in the cupboard. I really need to sort my makeup and smellies drawer next. Anything opened but still useable will go to freecycle and anything unopened I will donate to the shoe boxes for Christmas for women in homeless shelters
Today's positive is I feel really good about getting rid of my shoes....well I don't because I love them but I know its the right thing to do!
Sunday, December 6, 2015
+ 365 days 326 - 339
So - normally I would break down the individual days for the blog especially when I haven't update in such a long time - 2 weeks! But it's been a crazy 2 weeks and I genuinely can't remember what happened or when so here are the high and low lights:
- My mums pc broke - we are took full on dead to the world there aint no fixing it although I tried! It's been on its way out for ages which is why I ordered her a new tower when I got paid a couple of weeks ago for Christmas. Luckily the new tower arrived the day after it broke - serendipitous no? So she had her pressie early - it took me about 3 hours to set it up with an antivirus and sort out all her accounts and stuff. Its not the best unit ever - it runs windows vista but I dont think she could cope with windows 8 or 10! Its an i3, 1TB HD and 4GB ram and is perfect for what she uses it for i.e. playing candy crush on fb!
- My uncle was taken poorly and rushed to A&R with horribly symptoms - we spent the night there - I tried to tell them it was his blood glucose levels - they were at 4-5 and thats low for him but because they were in the normal range they didnt listen - after nearly 24 hours in hospital the conclusion from the senior doctor? his blood glucose levels were too low and he was slipping into a coma - if they had just given him a spoonful of jam and then a sarnie it could all have been avoided!
- I did ALL my sisters christmas shopping for her - got her pressies (although a lot for the kids I have won through comping!) and majority of her food stuff - all she has left to get is fresh fruit and veggies and some meats. I used her money to do it that I look after for her as if she had the money she would have spent it (in the summer she worked her way through £3000 in like 6 weeks!) - she's not been too well lately physically and emotionally the last year of hell has petty much taken its toll on her and shes covered in a weird rash looks like measles! I've told her to get to the GP ASAP to get checked out.
- My nephew has moved back in with my sister - he isnt able to cope with living by himself but it means that once again shes living in over crowded accommodation!
- My sister's landlord has sold the house she is in but he wont give her anything in writing which means she cant really get re-prioritised on the council waiting list. I have written her a letter for the council telling them that the house is sold along with notices from the estate agents and also telling them they are over-crowded. I suspect she will be evicted shortly after Christmas which isnt going to make for a nice new year :( I have also given her details of somewhere she can ring to try a different council outside of cardiff but close enough to us that it's easy for her to get to us as although its a different council it has properties that are about 5 miles from us (the other side of cardiff is harder to get to!)
- I had to take a day off work sick - I'm pretty sure this puts me over the sick limit and I am going to get pulled up for a formal interview over my sickness. I couldnt go in to work as I was throwing up with a migraine and couldnt even take any painkillers as I threw them up twice which sucked. I really am not looking forward to that but I'm not going to put myself and others at risk by trying to drive to work when I have flickering auras, black spots and slow reactions due to a migraine :(
- My other sister (not the one above) ran someone over on a crossing in the night. The person was okay and didnt even get hit down as my sister was driving slowly. The woman took photos of my sisters car but refused her when she said she would call the police and an ambulance and walked off. She was wearing all dark clothes at night. My sister called the police anyways and they said it sounded like an insurance scam - they had no report but they took the description of the incident and said they had similar reports of a woman with the same description stepping out on the same crossing. My sister was pretty upset over it all.
I am sure plenty of other things have happened too but I just can't remember them - also it's advent and it's my first year as a comper to try them. There are literally hundreds of competitions being run on every site imaginable and I am trying to enter them to win some extra bits for Christmas for the family. Today marks the end of the first week and I have actually won less comps than I would normally so it's not looking too bright but at least it keeps me out of trouble!
Anyhoo, my positives for the last 2 weeks? 1. My uncle's fine, 2. My sister's sorted for Christmas, 3. My mum's sorted with her computer 4. My other sister despite hitting someone looks like its a scam and isnt in trouble or hurt!
- My mums pc broke - we are took full on dead to the world there aint no fixing it although I tried! It's been on its way out for ages which is why I ordered her a new tower when I got paid a couple of weeks ago for Christmas. Luckily the new tower arrived the day after it broke - serendipitous no? So she had her pressie early - it took me about 3 hours to set it up with an antivirus and sort out all her accounts and stuff. Its not the best unit ever - it runs windows vista but I dont think she could cope with windows 8 or 10! Its an i3, 1TB HD and 4GB ram and is perfect for what she uses it for i.e. playing candy crush on fb!
- My uncle was taken poorly and rushed to A&R with horribly symptoms - we spent the night there - I tried to tell them it was his blood glucose levels - they were at 4-5 and thats low for him but because they were in the normal range they didnt listen - after nearly 24 hours in hospital the conclusion from the senior doctor? his blood glucose levels were too low and he was slipping into a coma - if they had just given him a spoonful of jam and then a sarnie it could all have been avoided!
- I did ALL my sisters christmas shopping for her - got her pressies (although a lot for the kids I have won through comping!) and majority of her food stuff - all she has left to get is fresh fruit and veggies and some meats. I used her money to do it that I look after for her as if she had the money she would have spent it (in the summer she worked her way through £3000 in like 6 weeks!) - she's not been too well lately physically and emotionally the last year of hell has petty much taken its toll on her and shes covered in a weird rash looks like measles! I've told her to get to the GP ASAP to get checked out.
- My nephew has moved back in with my sister - he isnt able to cope with living by himself but it means that once again shes living in over crowded accommodation!
- My sister's landlord has sold the house she is in but he wont give her anything in writing which means she cant really get re-prioritised on the council waiting list. I have written her a letter for the council telling them that the house is sold along with notices from the estate agents and also telling them they are over-crowded. I suspect she will be evicted shortly after Christmas which isnt going to make for a nice new year :( I have also given her details of somewhere she can ring to try a different council outside of cardiff but close enough to us that it's easy for her to get to us as although its a different council it has properties that are about 5 miles from us (the other side of cardiff is harder to get to!)
- I had to take a day off work sick - I'm pretty sure this puts me over the sick limit and I am going to get pulled up for a formal interview over my sickness. I couldnt go in to work as I was throwing up with a migraine and couldnt even take any painkillers as I threw them up twice which sucked. I really am not looking forward to that but I'm not going to put myself and others at risk by trying to drive to work when I have flickering auras, black spots and slow reactions due to a migraine :(
- My other sister (not the one above) ran someone over on a crossing in the night. The person was okay and didnt even get hit down as my sister was driving slowly. The woman took photos of my sisters car but refused her when she said she would call the police and an ambulance and walked off. She was wearing all dark clothes at night. My sister called the police anyways and they said it sounded like an insurance scam - they had no report but they took the description of the incident and said they had similar reports of a woman with the same description stepping out on the same crossing. My sister was pretty upset over it all.
I am sure plenty of other things have happened too but I just can't remember them - also it's advent and it's my first year as a comper to try them. There are literally hundreds of competitions being run on every site imaginable and I am trying to enter them to win some extra bits for Christmas for the family. Today marks the end of the first week and I have actually won less comps than I would normally so it's not looking too bright but at least it keeps me out of trouble!
Anyhoo, my positives for the last 2 weeks? 1. My uncle's fine, 2. My sister's sorted for Christmas, 3. My mum's sorted with her computer 4. My other sister despite hitting someone looks like its a scam and isnt in trouble or hurt!
Sunday, November 22, 2015
SuperSavvyCircle - Always Discreet Part 3 My Final Thoughts
So I have been trying out Always Discreet for SuperSavvyCircle (You can read Part 1 and Part 2 by clicking on them here)
I have now used up all my pack and I also tried out the small and the long too and this is my final thoughts on the project and the product.
1. The project
I've taken part in several projects with SSC and they are always well organised and run smoothly and this one has been no different - step by step info, blog posts, emails, well packaged and delivered product and plenty of info and coupons and of course samples too. I actually really enjoy being able to take part in these projects - they can be time consuming and remembering to try and record every single conversation is not easy and I am sure I am not the only one who sometimes misses recording them all! The project has also opened up new lines of conversation between me, my friends, my family and even some colleagues about bladder sensitivity - whilst I lack the social graces of a toad and am happy to talk about my bodily functions to pretty much anyone I get that lots of people find it uncomfortable and embarrassing - I found younger people were much less open in general than older - I think that is to do with confidence and perhaps a slight fear that there is something not quite right - but we shouldn't be afraid to discuss this - fear around discussing it brings shame and it's nothing to be ashamed of - it's just a part of life - I'm not saying when you get on the bus you should announce loudly dont sit too close to me as if I sneeze I might wet myself (I mean you can if you fancy having a seat to yourself and noone sat next to you) but we should feel confident enough about ourselves and our bodies to say yeah I do sometimes laugh so much I pee a bit.
2. The Product
So what I liked about it:
- it absorbs - the always discreet are much better at absorbing fluid than panty liners or sanitary towels - the fluid doesnt sit on top of the pad either so it isnt uncomfortable
- it's comfortable - I found the small and the normal the most comfortable. I could wear them for several hours and forget I was wearing them.They also didn't show up when I was wearing my clothes - no tell tale bulges or weird lines or anything
- it's good for your lady bits :) - so urine contains acid, acid burns, acid up close to your lady bits equals red and sore lady bits! That doesnt happen with Always Discreet - I guess they suck that urine down so it's not sat on the surface layer so its not then next to your skin
- you dont smell wearing them - I am a big worrier about smelling - the always discreet had a scent to them I am not sure what that was but it didnt smell like baby powder or anything similar (that lots of sanitary products smell of). It's a pleasant enough smell but not overwhelming. Wearing these you dont smell of wee which is obviously a big relief. Like I said you can wear them all day if you choose and they dont give off any dodgy odours!
So what I didn't like about it:
- the main thing I didnt like was the length - so the small panty liners are the perfect thickness for me but far too short, the normal are a little longer but a lot bulkier and the long which are the perfect length are far too bulky to be comfy. I would love them to do a thinner version of the long ones which would be great for me.
Over all the feedback from people who have tried these from me has been positive too.
Would I buy them? Yes I would they aren't hugely expensive (I checked out the cost in ASDA and they were like £2.99 a pack plus offers were on) and they do what they are supposed to do - line your pants so you dont have to worry about any embarrassing incidents in public and can get on with and enjoy life.
I still have some feedback to give in to the project team, the completed feedback sheets and some conversation reports but I personally have completed my trial and am pleased I got to take part.
I have now used up all my pack and I also tried out the small and the long too and this is my final thoughts on the project and the product.
1. The project
I've taken part in several projects with SSC and they are always well organised and run smoothly and this one has been no different - step by step info, blog posts, emails, well packaged and delivered product and plenty of info and coupons and of course samples too. I actually really enjoy being able to take part in these projects - they can be time consuming and remembering to try and record every single conversation is not easy and I am sure I am not the only one who sometimes misses recording them all! The project has also opened up new lines of conversation between me, my friends, my family and even some colleagues about bladder sensitivity - whilst I lack the social graces of a toad and am happy to talk about my bodily functions to pretty much anyone I get that lots of people find it uncomfortable and embarrassing - I found younger people were much less open in general than older - I think that is to do with confidence and perhaps a slight fear that there is something not quite right - but we shouldn't be afraid to discuss this - fear around discussing it brings shame and it's nothing to be ashamed of - it's just a part of life - I'm not saying when you get on the bus you should announce loudly dont sit too close to me as if I sneeze I might wet myself (I mean you can if you fancy having a seat to yourself and noone sat next to you) but we should feel confident enough about ourselves and our bodies to say yeah I do sometimes laugh so much I pee a bit.
2. The Product
So what I liked about it:
- it absorbs - the always discreet are much better at absorbing fluid than panty liners or sanitary towels - the fluid doesnt sit on top of the pad either so it isnt uncomfortable
- it's comfortable - I found the small and the normal the most comfortable. I could wear them for several hours and forget I was wearing them.They also didn't show up when I was wearing my clothes - no tell tale bulges or weird lines or anything
- it's good for your lady bits :) - so urine contains acid, acid burns, acid up close to your lady bits equals red and sore lady bits! That doesnt happen with Always Discreet - I guess they suck that urine down so it's not sat on the surface layer so its not then next to your skin
- you dont smell wearing them - I am a big worrier about smelling - the always discreet had a scent to them I am not sure what that was but it didnt smell like baby powder or anything similar (that lots of sanitary products smell of). It's a pleasant enough smell but not overwhelming. Wearing these you dont smell of wee which is obviously a big relief. Like I said you can wear them all day if you choose and they dont give off any dodgy odours!
So what I didn't like about it:
- the main thing I didnt like was the length - so the small panty liners are the perfect thickness for me but far too short, the normal are a little longer but a lot bulkier and the long which are the perfect length are far too bulky to be comfy. I would love them to do a thinner version of the long ones which would be great for me.
Over all the feedback from people who have tried these from me has been positive too.
Would I buy them? Yes I would they aren't hugely expensive (I checked out the cost in ASDA and they were like £2.99 a pack plus offers were on) and they do what they are supposed to do - line your pants so you dont have to worry about any embarrassing incidents in public and can get on with and enjoy life.
I still have some feedback to give in to the project team, the completed feedback sheets and some conversation reports but I personally have completed my trial and am pleased I got to take part.
+365 days 321 - 325
Day 321 - Wednesday
So today I lost my voice again :/ probably great for everyone around me but not so much for me lol.
Also today my cats paws are still pink - seriously! I got Tesco cat litter - it wasn't cheap but its turned Lady's white bits proper pink, not just her paws either, her legs and her belly too!
I tweeted Tesco who just said dont worry its not permanent and it's not poisonous either - they should have a warning on their litter - this may turn light coloured kitties into Bagpus! This pic is from when I first noticed her turning pink - its worse since then but she is refusing to cooperate with the camera!
I didnt really do much today because sore throat and lost voice made everything a bit of an effort but at least its humpday and its all down towards the weekend from here!
In the afternoon/early evening my voice came back yay - thats my positive I can speak again whot
Day 322 - Thursday
Work was work as always :P
After work today I decided for some strange reason that I should call the garage and find out how much it will cost to get my 2 front tires replaced - when the alternator went on the car and the garage checked they said I needed 2 new front tires - I called kwikfit and they gave me a quote and I booked the car in for tomorrow - sorted
Today's positive - getting the car sorted - well not quite but it will be tomorrow :)
Day 323 - Friday
PAYDAY woohoo :) Which is a good thing because when I took the car to the garage the guy was like hey have you seen your other tires? I'm like what do you mean? So he showed me that the one back tire was bulging and was like you know you can feel wires and stuff sticking out this isnt safe. So yeah ended up getting all 4 tires replaced it cost like £204 ouchies! on top of the £300 for the alternator and this has been an expensive car month!
Of course I am glad he changed the tires especially when I saw the back one!
Not only was it illegal to drive on but pretty deadly too! Today I am grateful that it didnt go on me when I was driving, it didnt cause an accident or cause me to injure myself or anyone else!
Day 324 - Saturday
Today I dragged my mother out of the house (she gets SAD which is really difficult to deal with as she doesnt want to do anything or go anywhere!). I drove us to Ebbw Vale where a friend of mine lives - she ran a cat rescue but due to her poor health she is currently in the process of closing it down. I havent seen her for a couple of months. The drive up there takes around 55 minutes and involves driving on the heads of the valleys road which I hate - it was even worse because those guys had snow so the road was quite icy and there was snow up on the mountains. We got there without mishap and met with my friend and a few others and I drove us to Ebbw Vale town centre and we went to the local wetherspoons for a meal - it was a lovely meal with good company and we had a blast.
After lunch I drove everyone back to the rescue and then loaded the car up with tonnes of items. As the rescue is closing they are donating items for use with kitties and for sale to raise funds to a local cardiff rescue called RozMogs - I had agreed to take some of the stuff back with me to save them having to arrange for it to be done.
The drive home wasnt so bad although the temp was dropping significantly.
After unloading the car we just chilled :)
Today's positive meeting with friends and helping out the rescue :)
Day 325 - Sunday
Today I dropped off the stuff I had collected from Ebbw Vale to Rozmogs and then went to pets at home - I needed to get more cat litter as lady is still pink!
After that I recovered the computer chair in the living room so it matches the foot stool (kinda) I did the other week.
I was planning on doing some cushion covers too but got distracted by CatFish lol - seriously I love this show its so bizarre and you kinda wonder what they are on lol
Today's positive is getting the chair done :)
Anyways this is my newly covered computer chair (it's not 100% finished I need to tidy up the underneath)
So today I lost my voice again :/ probably great for everyone around me but not so much for me lol.
Also today my cats paws are still pink - seriously! I got Tesco cat litter - it wasn't cheap but its turned Lady's white bits proper pink, not just her paws either, her legs and her belly too!
I tweeted Tesco who just said dont worry its not permanent and it's not poisonous either - they should have a warning on their litter - this may turn light coloured kitties into Bagpus! This pic is from when I first noticed her turning pink - its worse since then but she is refusing to cooperate with the camera!
I didnt really do much today because sore throat and lost voice made everything a bit of an effort but at least its humpday and its all down towards the weekend from here!
In the afternoon/early evening my voice came back yay - thats my positive I can speak again whot
Day 322 - Thursday
Work was work as always :P
After work today I decided for some strange reason that I should call the garage and find out how much it will cost to get my 2 front tires replaced - when the alternator went on the car and the garage checked they said I needed 2 new front tires - I called kwikfit and they gave me a quote and I booked the car in for tomorrow - sorted
Today's positive - getting the car sorted - well not quite but it will be tomorrow :)
Day 323 - Friday
PAYDAY woohoo :) Which is a good thing because when I took the car to the garage the guy was like hey have you seen your other tires? I'm like what do you mean? So he showed me that the one back tire was bulging and was like you know you can feel wires and stuff sticking out this isnt safe. So yeah ended up getting all 4 tires replaced it cost like £204 ouchies! on top of the £300 for the alternator and this has been an expensive car month!
Of course I am glad he changed the tires especially when I saw the back one!
Not only was it illegal to drive on but pretty deadly too! Today I am grateful that it didnt go on me when I was driving, it didnt cause an accident or cause me to injure myself or anyone else!
Day 324 - Saturday
Today I dragged my mother out of the house (she gets SAD which is really difficult to deal with as she doesnt want to do anything or go anywhere!). I drove us to Ebbw Vale where a friend of mine lives - she ran a cat rescue but due to her poor health she is currently in the process of closing it down. I havent seen her for a couple of months. The drive up there takes around 55 minutes and involves driving on the heads of the valleys road which I hate - it was even worse because those guys had snow so the road was quite icy and there was snow up on the mountains. We got there without mishap and met with my friend and a few others and I drove us to Ebbw Vale town centre and we went to the local wetherspoons for a meal - it was a lovely meal with good company and we had a blast.
After lunch I drove everyone back to the rescue and then loaded the car up with tonnes of items. As the rescue is closing they are donating items for use with kitties and for sale to raise funds to a local cardiff rescue called RozMogs - I had agreed to take some of the stuff back with me to save them having to arrange for it to be done.
The drive home wasnt so bad although the temp was dropping significantly.
After unloading the car we just chilled :)
Today's positive meeting with friends and helping out the rescue :)
Day 325 - Sunday
Today I dropped off the stuff I had collected from Ebbw Vale to Rozmogs and then went to pets at home - I needed to get more cat litter as lady is still pink!
After that I recovered the computer chair in the living room so it matches the foot stool (kinda) I did the other week.
I was planning on doing some cushion covers too but got distracted by CatFish lol - seriously I love this show its so bizarre and you kinda wonder what they are on lol
Today's positive is getting the chair done :)
Anyways this is my newly covered computer chair (it's not 100% finished I need to tidy up the underneath)
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Before |
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The backrest |
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Backrest and seat covered |
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
+ 365 days 311 - 320
Day 311 - Sunday
Today we just chilled after the chaos of Friday and Saturday! My uncle came round for Sunday dinner which was a disaster - mum decided to cook a gammon joint in the slow cooker but she didnt boil it first to get rid of the salt so everything tasted salty it was really gross and none of us could eat it - I ended up doing us cheese on toast!
Today I am thankful for time to chill and relax :)
Day 312 - Monday
Back to work :( Things have once again been crazy busy in work - we are doing some new stuff and making changes to how things are done so everything's a bit up in the air and chaotic. Work is kinda wearing me down a lot - I even find myself dreaming about cocking up or making a mistake and stuff which shows how rubbish things are right now.
On the plus side I work with some lovely people who despite my grouchy weirdness still want to talk to me and be friends :)
Day 313 - Tuesday
Had a meeting with my new supervisor in work. Not really great. That's all no further comment
It's a positive I have a job tho right?
Day 314 - Wednesday
Today I had my diabetic check up -uh oh! Actually it was fine :) glucose levels are good marginally raised from the last test but not unexpected after a month of gorging myself on american food. Everything else was fine :) Got my flu jab ouchies and my depo ouchies - one in the arm and one in the buttock (i seriously love the word buttock!) on either side so I know that tomorrow I am going to be suffering on both sides!
Today's positive was a good diabetic check up - no issues :)
Day 315 - Thursday
Today my dad came down and took me out for a meal for my birthday - we were hoping our favourite curry house would have reopened (its been closed to be refurbed for months boo :( ) but sadly it wasnt so we went to a different one which is also very nice. The food was great.
My dad told me about my christmas present - he is weird like that - when he gives you a gift he tells you exactly what it cost, what deal he got and where it's from! even if its just something he picked up for like 50p in a charity shop he likes to tell you! Anyways I didnt think I was getting a big gift from him - he already gave me £100 for christmas which I had in the form of $$ for my holidays but he went out and got me one anyways. He loves shopping seriously this man puts most women to shame!
He's got me a new tomtom satnav with free map upgrades for life - which is really cool and I appreciate it (I was kinda hoping when eh mentioned it I was getting a new laptop as mines in really bad condition but sadly he went for the practical gift as always - I once asked him for a pair of boots so he got me waterproof hiking ones worth £160 - I wanted Uggz lol)
He always buys me loads of little bits and pieces - I never ask for it cos he gives me money but as I get older it seems like him and my mum are trying to buy me more and more! Craziness!!!
Anyways - todays positive was a lovely meal out with my dad :)
Day 316 & 317 - Friday & Saturday
This evening like many people I watched in horror the atrocity in Paris - I have little else to say other than I am eternally grateful that as I sat watching the news Friday evening and early Saturday morning that my friends who live in Paris one by one came onto Facebook and announced their safety. Everyone I know who lives/works in Paris was thankfully unharmed and not in the area where the attacks took place and for that I am truly grateful.
Day 318 - Sunday
Today I took my mum shopping, did housework and then spent most of the day in bed as I had a horrific migraine.
Today's positive is having the luxury to be able to go to bed for th day when feeling unwell
Day 319 - Monday
Yesterday's migraine persisted until lunch time today where with the aid of painkillers it eased off to just a horrible band of tightness around my forehead. After work I came home and slept some more as I was still feeling rubbish. The thing about migraines is that even though you sleep loads when you have them when they start to lift you still feel shattered and could sleep for longer again - it's very odd.
Lady cat turned into a pink lady today! I had bought some cat litter form tesco as I really didnt feel up to going to pets at home yesterday and the kitty trays needed to be done - this litter turned lady's white paws and belly pink - not impressed!
Today I got a letter from the bank saying I had overpaid them on my loan (I took a loan out years ago and recently paid it off yay me only £4500 left of debts til I am debt free!) and that they will send me a cheque out which is nice - hopefully they send it in time for xmas :)
Today's positive the bank actually offering to give me money rather than taking it away :P
Day 320 - Tuesday
We have storm warnings here in Wales and prob everywhere in the country too - its crazy the wind and Jac the dog is terrified of it - I have never known a dog be scared of the wind before!!!!
I realised that winter makes me grumpy - I hate getting up in the dark and driving to work with the lights on (usually behind someone who thinks 30mph is far too fast and does 15!) and I hate finishing work and driving home in the dark - it feels like we havent had a day which sounds silly but it's true. Getting home when its dark I really dont feel like doing anything - in the summer I get home then i go swimming or shopping or to the pub etc in the winter I get home and slob! When I worked in the USA in sunny Florida I would think nothing of doing a 14 hour plus shift and going out after - I think it's because it was sunny - I need the sun back! In the winter all I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep and day dream of holidays in the sun.
Work continues to be rather dreary (another fun word) just like the weather so between the 2 I am feeling pretty much like a human grumpy cat, however I am just going to work through it and try and continue to be positive!
So today's positive? Well - my mum bought me some new work clothes from a charity shop - top and trousers for £1. I really have no issue with buying second hand clothes from charity shops, car booty's ebay etc and these are really nice - both are from next - the trousers are slightly tight (really need to get back onto my diet - I ate 2 satsumas today which I was feeling good about until I remembered I also ate 2 packs of crisps!) but are a size 16 so altho a little tight they arent uncomfortable and that makes me happy as I have obviously put a little weight on but not girth and width with it! The tops a lovely grey smock style top that will look great with leggings and my pretend uggz :)
Today we just chilled after the chaos of Friday and Saturday! My uncle came round for Sunday dinner which was a disaster - mum decided to cook a gammon joint in the slow cooker but she didnt boil it first to get rid of the salt so everything tasted salty it was really gross and none of us could eat it - I ended up doing us cheese on toast!
Today I am thankful for time to chill and relax :)
Day 312 - Monday
Back to work :( Things have once again been crazy busy in work - we are doing some new stuff and making changes to how things are done so everything's a bit up in the air and chaotic. Work is kinda wearing me down a lot - I even find myself dreaming about cocking up or making a mistake and stuff which shows how rubbish things are right now.
On the plus side I work with some lovely people who despite my grouchy weirdness still want to talk to me and be friends :)
Day 313 - Tuesday
Had a meeting with my new supervisor in work. Not really great. That's all no further comment
It's a positive I have a job tho right?
Day 314 - Wednesday
Today I had my diabetic check up -uh oh! Actually it was fine :) glucose levels are good marginally raised from the last test but not unexpected after a month of gorging myself on american food. Everything else was fine :) Got my flu jab ouchies and my depo ouchies - one in the arm and one in the buttock (i seriously love the word buttock!) on either side so I know that tomorrow I am going to be suffering on both sides!
Today's positive was a good diabetic check up - no issues :)
Day 315 - Thursday
Today my dad came down and took me out for a meal for my birthday - we were hoping our favourite curry house would have reopened (its been closed to be refurbed for months boo :( ) but sadly it wasnt so we went to a different one which is also very nice. The food was great.
My dad told me about my christmas present - he is weird like that - when he gives you a gift he tells you exactly what it cost, what deal he got and where it's from! even if its just something he picked up for like 50p in a charity shop he likes to tell you! Anyways I didnt think I was getting a big gift from him - he already gave me £100 for christmas which I had in the form of $$ for my holidays but he went out and got me one anyways. He loves shopping seriously this man puts most women to shame!
He's got me a new tomtom satnav with free map upgrades for life - which is really cool and I appreciate it (I was kinda hoping when eh mentioned it I was getting a new laptop as mines in really bad condition but sadly he went for the practical gift as always - I once asked him for a pair of boots so he got me waterproof hiking ones worth £160 - I wanted Uggz lol)
He always buys me loads of little bits and pieces - I never ask for it cos he gives me money but as I get older it seems like him and my mum are trying to buy me more and more! Craziness!!!
Anyways - todays positive was a lovely meal out with my dad :)
Day 316 & 317 - Friday & Saturday
This evening like many people I watched in horror the atrocity in Paris - I have little else to say other than I am eternally grateful that as I sat watching the news Friday evening and early Saturday morning that my friends who live in Paris one by one came onto Facebook and announced their safety. Everyone I know who lives/works in Paris was thankfully unharmed and not in the area where the attacks took place and for that I am truly grateful.
Day 318 - Sunday
Today I took my mum shopping, did housework and then spent most of the day in bed as I had a horrific migraine.
Today's positive is having the luxury to be able to go to bed for th day when feeling unwell
Day 319 - Monday
Yesterday's migraine persisted until lunch time today where with the aid of painkillers it eased off to just a horrible band of tightness around my forehead. After work I came home and slept some more as I was still feeling rubbish. The thing about migraines is that even though you sleep loads when you have them when they start to lift you still feel shattered and could sleep for longer again - it's very odd.
Lady cat turned into a pink lady today! I had bought some cat litter form tesco as I really didnt feel up to going to pets at home yesterday and the kitty trays needed to be done - this litter turned lady's white paws and belly pink - not impressed!
Today I got a letter from the bank saying I had overpaid them on my loan (I took a loan out years ago and recently paid it off yay me only £4500 left of debts til I am debt free!) and that they will send me a cheque out which is nice - hopefully they send it in time for xmas :)
Today's positive the bank actually offering to give me money rather than taking it away :P
Day 320 - Tuesday
We have storm warnings here in Wales and prob everywhere in the country too - its crazy the wind and Jac the dog is terrified of it - I have never known a dog be scared of the wind before!!!!
I realised that winter makes me grumpy - I hate getting up in the dark and driving to work with the lights on (usually behind someone who thinks 30mph is far too fast and does 15!) and I hate finishing work and driving home in the dark - it feels like we havent had a day which sounds silly but it's true. Getting home when its dark I really dont feel like doing anything - in the summer I get home then i go swimming or shopping or to the pub etc in the winter I get home and slob! When I worked in the USA in sunny Florida I would think nothing of doing a 14 hour plus shift and going out after - I think it's because it was sunny - I need the sun back! In the winter all I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep and day dream of holidays in the sun.
Work continues to be rather dreary (another fun word) just like the weather so between the 2 I am feeling pretty much like a human grumpy cat, however I am just going to work through it and try and continue to be positive!
So today's positive? Well - my mum bought me some new work clothes from a charity shop - top and trousers for £1. I really have no issue with buying second hand clothes from charity shops, car booty's ebay etc and these are really nice - both are from next - the trousers are slightly tight (really need to get back onto my diet - I ate 2 satsumas today which I was feeling good about until I remembered I also ate 2 packs of crisps!) but are a size 16 so altho a little tight they arent uncomfortable and that makes me happy as I have obviously put a little weight on but not girth and width with it! The tops a lovely grey smock style top that will look great with leggings and my pretend uggz :)
Sunday, November 8, 2015
A Great Big Cuddle - Poems for the Very Young - Book Review
We got sent this book by Toppsta on twitter to review - they often have kids books available - you get to keep the book in return for providing a review on their website.
So the book info:
Author: Michael Rosen
Illustrator: Chris Riddell
Price: £14.99
Published by: Walker Books
So what's the book about?
It's basically a book of silly rhyming poems illustrated with bright coloured pictures.
Some of the poems make sense, and some are nonsensical but all are appealing.
H who is 2 and D who is 5 both really enjoyed the book.
We could read one poem at a time so it wasn't too long for them to sit and listen/read and they didn't get bored.
Both of them enjoyed the rhyming words and copying the silly phrases :)
H found the pictures bright and easy to recognise and identify. D just loved the phrases he is still repeating several of them.
The book took us several days to read through as we did each poem as a short stand alone reading activity.
D was able to recognise some of the words to read but when the font was small he struggled a bit more.
Overall we all enjoyed the book (although if I hear the phrase 'the jelly's too smelly' once more I might cry!) but the fact that both of them are still repeating the phrase and breaking into mad giggles at it just proves how much the book appeals to them and their silly sense of humour :)
We give this book 5/5 and would definitely recommend it - it may be for younger children but it appealed to both the 2 and 5 year old.
(photos to follow having some tech issues with the camera!)
So the book info:
Author: Michael Rosen
Illustrator: Chris Riddell
Price: £14.99
Published by: Walker Books
So what's the book about?
It's basically a book of silly rhyming poems illustrated with bright coloured pictures.
Some of the poems make sense, and some are nonsensical but all are appealing.
H who is 2 and D who is 5 both really enjoyed the book.
We could read one poem at a time so it wasn't too long for them to sit and listen/read and they didn't get bored.
Both of them enjoyed the rhyming words and copying the silly phrases :)
H found the pictures bright and easy to recognise and identify. D just loved the phrases he is still repeating several of them.
The book took us several days to read through as we did each poem as a short stand alone reading activity.
D was able to recognise some of the words to read but when the font was small he struggled a bit more.
Overall we all enjoyed the book (although if I hear the phrase 'the jelly's too smelly' once more I might cry!) but the fact that both of them are still repeating the phrase and breaking into mad giggles at it just proves how much the book appeals to them and their silly sense of humour :)
We give this book 5/5 and would definitely recommend it - it may be for younger children but it appealed to both the 2 and 5 year old.
(photos to follow having some tech issues with the camera!)
November Freebies & Wins
As always - these are items received this month which may have been won previously - but I dont count a win or a freebie until it actually arrives as so many of them go missing! I am also including the review items in here as well :)
1. WIN - this is a win but they had 1000 of them lol so you had to answer a question so counting it as a win even though there were so many prizes - this is a mini What on Earth Wall book - looks fab and a great xmas gift :) From the telegraph
2. FREEBIE for REVIEW - 2 x Nuby soothers for H to review :) came direct from Nuby
3. WIN - the Confabulist - this is the free book I got as part of my Radio Times win from last month :)
4. WIN - The bear strength tee which is part of my carpetright house beautiful prize
5. WIN - Tale of City Sue book - from @x2mum (twitter) from her blog giveaway (yetanotherbloggingmummy)
6. WIN - Miffy Sensory toy - a friend won this for me as she knew I had entered every comp going for one but hadnt won one - it's for H's xmas pressie off my sister
7. WIN - Rugby facts book - from toolstation on twitter
8. WIN - Julie Dodsworth Goodies from her FB page :) 2 x mugs, a handy fold up carry bag, some handmade soaps and a magnetic notepad
9. WIN - Moomins DVD but no note to say where it came from!
10. Win - from Your Cat Magazine (magazine comp rather than web one) a cute cross stitch kit :)
11. WIN - Miranda complete box set - again it just arrived with no note so I have no idea where from but I am looking forward to watching it :)
12. WIN - from @geekyMonkey (twitter/FB) Captina Earth Part 2 DVD
13. WIN - part of my carpet right win - Riverford farm cook books - was supposed to be a box of veggies but they said they dont deliver to Wales (even though one of their farms is in Cwmbran about 20 mins drive from cardiff)
14. WIN - from Crowne Pet food a box of light cat food from Royal Canin - perfect for Leo Cat the hefty lump :P
15. WIN - from dbreviews blog - a goody bag of Nothing But stuff including: Tee, hessian bag, mug, 2xtrolley keys, 2x pens and 2 x each flavour snack

17. FREEBIE GLITCH - so sweaty betty had this new offer for people but they made a mistake and instead of offering a £20 off a £50 spend they offered £20 voucher with no restrictions and free delivery! So I managed to get some rather nice fleecy gloves for £15 plus some hair bobbles for £4.50 all for free. :)
18. FREEBIE - another sopost freebie some dairy milk snow bites and a voucher
19. WIN this is so awesome a signed by the original cast who played magenta and columbia 40th anniversary programe for RHPS :) won on twitter love it!
20. FREEBIE - free ariel liquid tab - just the one but perfect for the hols
21: WIN - DVD and toy from blog
1. WIN - this is a win but they had 1000 of them lol so you had to answer a question so counting it as a win even though there were so many prizes - this is a mini What on Earth Wall book - looks fab and a great xmas gift :) From the telegraph
2. FREEBIE for REVIEW - 2 x Nuby soothers for H to review :) came direct from Nuby
3. WIN - the Confabulist - this is the free book I got as part of my Radio Times win from last month :)
4. WIN - The bear strength tee which is part of my carpetright house beautiful prize
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Back of tee |
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Front of Tee |
5. WIN - Tale of City Sue book - from @x2mum (twitter) from her blog giveaway (yetanotherbloggingmummy)
6. WIN - Miffy Sensory toy - a friend won this for me as she knew I had entered every comp going for one but hadnt won one - it's for H's xmas pressie off my sister
7. WIN - Rugby facts book - from toolstation on twitter
8. WIN - Julie Dodsworth Goodies from her FB page :) 2 x mugs, a handy fold up carry bag, some handmade soaps and a magnetic notepad
9. WIN - Moomins DVD but no note to say where it came from!
10. Win - from Your Cat Magazine (magazine comp rather than web one) a cute cross stitch kit :)
11. WIN - Miranda complete box set - again it just arrived with no note so I have no idea where from but I am looking forward to watching it :)
12. WIN - from @geekyMonkey (twitter/FB) Captina Earth Part 2 DVD
13. WIN - part of my carpet right win - Riverford farm cook books - was supposed to be a box of veggies but they said they dont deliver to Wales (even though one of their farms is in Cwmbran about 20 mins drive from cardiff)
14. WIN - from Crowne Pet food a box of light cat food from Royal Canin - perfect for Leo Cat the hefty lump :P
15. WIN - from dbreviews blog - a goody bag of Nothing But stuff including: Tee, hessian bag, mug, 2xtrolley keys, 2x pens and 2 x each flavour snack

16. WIN - set of 3 pombear and friends teddies from their twitter account
17. FREEBIE GLITCH - so sweaty betty had this new offer for people but they made a mistake and instead of offering a £20 off a £50 spend they offered £20 voucher with no restrictions and free delivery! So I managed to get some rather nice fleecy gloves for £15 plus some hair bobbles for £4.50 all for free. :)
18. FREEBIE - another sopost freebie some dairy milk snow bites and a voucher
19. WIN this is so awesome a signed by the original cast who played magenta and columbia 40th anniversary programe for RHPS :) won on twitter love it!
20. FREEBIE - free ariel liquid tab - just the one but perfect for the hols
21: WIN - DVD and toy from blog
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